Tuesday 15 January 2019

Billiy_writes novel


By Bilkisu Musa🌺🌺
                  Episode 3 

  "Ya Rabb please do not leave me to my affairs even if it's for a blink of an eye". Her sobs were louder this time. "You know I can't take care of myself right?" She sniffed the tears that threatened to come out from her nostrils. 
   "I don't like it how mummy sells tomatoes, It kills me each time she has  tears in her eyes due to low sales and she tries to hide it, Ya Rabb for the passed years since father died you have been my source of strength. This new life that seem to belong to someone else, am not use to it". She choked at the words, And the tiny voice which lives inside her heart which appears to have a penchant for the words "You will be fine" said it again. And she believes she will be fine but the question she always ask is "when?" The tears were coming rapidly so she buried her face in her palms. 
  "When will i be fine when my hopes of going to the university and afterwards getting a good job and taking care of Mummy and marwan has been truncated once again". Her knees felt sour against the light mat she has been kneeling on so she sat instead and tilted her head her eyes fall on the only window in her room which gives access to poor ventilation, She stretched out her neck as she heard footsteps, Its was marwan collecting his school uniform from the spreading line, Mummy had managed to settle his school fees and in his eagerness to go to school he has woken up very early. "Anty Meena Good morning" He called out from outside the window his uniform clutched to his chest. 
  "Marwan how are you?"  
"Am fine I want to tell you something my friend told me, can I come in?"
 She wished she could ask him to come back later because she isn't done with the conversation she was having with her lord but then marwan always says something reasonable each time he sounded like this. So she had given her consent and he came in silently and sat close to her on the mat. 
   "Anty meena, do u know that Alameen's sister has been admitted into the university and you know that her credentials aren't as good as yours?" 
Instead of answering his question she let out a sigh and kept her eyes away from his, So he continued, 
 "Then I told Alameen that your name has been included, I know I didn't ask you but am sure am right isn't it Anty meena?" He grinned and kept talking,
   "He said she gave all she had to someone who promised to help and I know you are more qualified". 
 Her indifferent feelings to the conversation was slowly turning into anger for she remembered Mr sulieman telling her the same lines of words and when she had thought about it and refused to let him touch her he got very mad, and she sure didn't believe want he had said afterwards about it not being his fault that her name wasn't included on the list. 
   "Marwan did Alameen tell you all of this?"  
     "Yes he said that and lot more, he said his sister has made their parent proud and she will soon be a graduate  though i don't know what it is she gave but i can tell Alameen to ask her for you" 
The sincerely in his voice was purely out of love and she understood his worry so she gently massaged his arm and told him to go prepare for school. 
"It's fine marwan I will tell you later let me make the inquiries am sure I have been admitted, Run along". She said in dismissal. 
"What will a 13years old know about giving and taking" She said as he closed the door.  She sank into a new world of thoughts. 
    "You can do it" was Mr sulieman's exact words when she had quickly pushed his hand from her lap" 
   "Please just help me, I promise I will pay you when I have a good job" She had urged. 
   "I didn't become the HOD by relying on weak promises!" He had snapped. 
   She let out a loud sigh and continue her supplication. 
   "Ya Rabb please do not let me depart from your ways, Help me out for I don't know if I will be able to handle all of these temptations" She begged in between fresh tears......
   "My love this ring is a sign of my unending love for you, The clouds might cease to bring forth rain and the sun might appear to be dim but my love for you will never fade. Princess, today I give you my words remind me of them if I ever seem to change". 
His words resonated in her mind, she knelt down and retrieved the ring which was covered in tiny pieces of the glass frame which had housed it, She stood up and sat at the edge of her bed her fingers caressing the detailing of the diamond ring. When Adil had given her the ring and had made all the promises she had been overwhelmed with emotion that she had tears flowing from her eyes. 
Suddenly it hit her that what she had wanted to do was everything she had said she wouldn't. "Am sorry Adil" she murmured hoping he could hear her but he couldn't, He was still sited on the bed where she had left him and hurried to her room, she had headed  straight to her closet and started packing and with the first and second boxes filled she went for the third box but as she pulled it out from atop the closet it got stuck on something she wasn't sure of and in an attempt to let it free she pulled harder and the glass frame fall on the floor, It gave a loud sound and shattered.  
Her eyes left the ring she's been staring at and slowly scanned her surrounding. 
  "Maybe i over reacted, maybe i had failed Adil and forgot our promises over such trivial issue, maybe I should just go and apologize to him". She stood up feeling weighed down by guilt and strode to Adil's room he was still sited on the same position with his head slightly bent over. Cousin Hanan too had been sited on the dining table when she had passed and offered a weak smile. 
  "Babylove" Her voice was almost like a whisper, but he had heard her so he raised his head and met her eyes. She sat next to him, and took his hands. "Am sorry Alhaji, I know i overreacted hmmm cousin Hanan can stay i won't fight her I promise". 
His eyes were fixed on hers and she was hoping he would say something comforting and rebuking at the same time but he said nothing, instead he kept staring at her and made her uncomfortable. 
"Won...won't you say anything?" Her words were a plea. 
 "What do you want me to say Princess? You have no idea how depressed have been since Cousin Hanan came here, I had expected you to understand and treat her with caution, You of all people should know how she behaves, Don't descend to her level". His hand were massaging her thigh. 
"Am sorry my love, I understand now and I won't disturb you about her anymore, But please can you tell her not to cook any of your meals?" Her hands were on his so he smiled at her and answered. "Yes princess i will tell her but then it doesn't matter if she prepare our meal you know she is very skillful and i like her cooking too, Just see it as her helping you out". 
For a moment she had  thought that this little drama was all over but instead it seemed like it is just getting started......
New episode will be uploaded Fridays am also on wattpad at billiy_writes. 
   Thanks dearies for reading, don't forget to share and comment😘😘

Friday 4 January 2019

billiy_writes Novel episode 2

By Bilkisu Musa🌺🌸

Episode 2 

     The busy street that seemed to be in contract to give birth to tons of cars after tons, The haphazardness of the people buying or selling some wandering aimlessly but still adding to the large crowd. And the twin building of battri market that stands on both sides of the street, that has promised to provide ends meet for the strong hearted. Meena and her mother are not weak hearted and as such they include the first little crowd who arrive early to carryout their businesses. "Arrange the fresh ones i brought yesterday first before putting the over ripped ones beneath them, I think you should put six six on each rubber instead since the price has depreciated".
It was mummy's tired voice passing out instructions but meena's attention wasn't there, she hadn't been listening, her eyes were busy searching for chris, and in between, the search gives way to thoughts about yesterday's event. When she had returned home, Mummy was seated on a wooden bench in the veranda of their small home, And like always she knelt down briefly and greeted " Maamii Good evening"  Her eyes fixed on the cemented floor.
 "Evening, what kept you so long? We agreed you will come earlier, What happened?" Mummy's voice sounded impatient."I had too attend to something very important, sorry maamii." Her voice came very coherent and frim." Mummy must not know that another year has passed her by, She must not know that all the funds they had raised from the sales of months passed has gone down the drain, All the days they had strayed late at the market waiting and hoping for someone to come and patronize their over ripped tomatoes in order to save some more money were all in vein, And marwan who was sent home from school. She was at the verge of tears, So she avoided more questions and hastened to her room. "Hey! Meena," Called the husky voice it drew her out from her depth of thoughts. "Hello chris" she turned to face him. "You came late today, What happened?" She asked as she forced a smile. " I bumped into an old friend so we went to do some catching up" He answered and inclined his head giving her a vivid view of his one cheeked dimple, It reminded her of how different he looked, He always seemed to look different each time she didn't see him for a day or two sometimes he looks more taller, Other times he looks more built and most times he appears to be more handsome that she always mistakes him for an actor instead of the boutique owner that he was. "Why?" His lips spread out in a smile she had been staring at him without her knowing."Do i look different?". No, l...I mean yes you do" she blushed and turned away her eyes fall on mummy who was busy arranging empty baskets of tomatoes and as she raised her head their eyes met and she arched her brows urging her on. Mummy has always liked chris, He is the only friend meena has and she knew about his outstanding character as such she respects him a whole lot. "Hope you had fun with your friend" Her voice was cold this time, Talking about fun made her remembered how unhappy she was. Standing few inches above her he heard the racing of her heart. "What's the matter with you?" He inquired, his eyes focused on hers. " it's nothing just that am a little bit tired today" she lied. 
  "But you don't look like this when you are tired, What is the problem? You know i hate it when you get like this meena" His words were soft almost like a caress. "I said am ok you don't need to worry" she placed her hand on her forehead the sun was shining brighter now and the path which they stood was slightly crowded by people. " ok i will be in my shop when you need anything" He started to head for his shop but meena's voice stopped him.     "Wait! I... am ok, just that am not in the best of moods" She avoided his eyes.      "It's the admission stuff right?". " No it's nothing" The words came coldly from her lips. 
"Fine I won't ask you again just don't stop me, you can handle your problems after all you are capable" His voice was louder this time.
  " Chris you are shouting"she reminded 
 "Am not shouting I just don't like it when you keep things from me" 
     "Ok I will tell you but not today" She promised her eyes met his. 
    "All right I will wait but please don't take too long" He inclined his head but this time it wasn't to show off his dimple but for her to see the plea in his eyes. 
"I won't" she added. 
  So he turned and headed for his shop.
 Dawn came too slowly for Adil, He hadn't slept all night and the cold added to his worry. If only Ama will understand that cousin hanan means no harm, that she was just a relative and all they once had has been mere youthful exuberance". He let out a sigh and adjusted his sleeping position. 
"I will shout it into her head if that's what she wants". 
But the truth is he need not to remind her, He had said it over, and over again that she has memorized the way he always said it. And he always sounds convincing until her topic came up or she comes and they end up having a little fight. 
 Ama too hadn't slept an hour, she had been busy talking to herself and cursing cousin Hanan for spoiling her day. And in between she had thought she heard footsteps approaching her room, But she wasn't sure why he hadn't stepped in. "Or was it that i was hallucinating" She hissed and turned to lay flat on her back. 
  She wasn't hallucinating, it was indeed  Adil's footsteps that she had heard but he heard her murmured his name and hissed afterwards so his grip on the door handle had tightened so as his lips. He had wanted to come in, take her in his arms and apologize but if there was anything he detested with passion is for someone to hiss at him and for the fact that it was Ama that did,doubled his anger. So he had retracted his steps back to his room and the bed squeaked as he climbed and pulled the duvet to him.
  Cousin Hanan was the first to come out of her room all glam in her red dress, She made herself breakfast and left some for Adil and Ama. 
  The door to Ama's room let out a sound as she pushed it, She might be angry and not talking to Adil but she can't deny him his meal. 
  "Morning Hajiya" it was cousin Hanan's sarcastic tone, I made breakfast you don't need to worry she uncrossed her legs and straighten out her dress, she looked like the lady of the house with the way she sat on the dining table.
   "What!" Ama couldn't believe her ears. "Who appointed you chef in this house? Her rage intensified as cousin Hanan feigned innocence. 
  "I don't know what games you are up to but you have over stayed your welcome and if.....". If what? It was Adil's voice asking, her eyes left cousin Hanan and rested on Adil, He was already dressed for work in his well fitted back suit. "Can you believe she made your breakfast, Anyways thanks but no thanks cousin Hanan I will make his meal myself so you can as well have all the one you made" She made as if to head for the kitchen but Adil words stopped her. "Don't worry princess let's just have the one she made". He sounded almost convincing but she wouldn't let it go just like that. "No!" She snapped. We wont have what she made In fact she will be on her way as soon as she's done with her meal. 
 "Please Princes....."No! Don't princess me, instead explain to me what she's doing hovering around us like a bad aura?" Adil suddenly couldn't find his voice, He had been in a dilemma since cousin Hanan showed up. It's true that Ama is the love of his life but cousin Hanan is family too, He didn't understand the need for all the commotion. He extended his hand and held Ama's firmly. "Come" He said and lead the way to his room. "Sit". He gestured to the unmade bed and like a scolded child she reluctantly obeyed and sat, while he made himself comfortable beside her.  
   "Princess, cousin Hanan will just stay for a day or two and she will leave before you even notice, You know the ongoing strike is delaying her project,She just needs a place to stay. 
  "Is that what she told you?" Ama won't give up easily. "What about her parents? My love can't you see?"  Her hands found his cheeks. She just wants to stay here close to you please don't allow her deceive you" She pleaded 
 "Amatullah" he said as he took her hands from his cheek. She wanted to stop him before he continued, and ask him why he called her full name, he doesn't even call her Ama when they had big fights. But she kept quiet instead and he continued. "I know her parents and other relatives are close but she said she prefers it here and I can't chase her away" 
"Fine! She can stay but be rest assured that I won't stay in the same house with her" She stood up and left...
          New episodes will be uploaded Fridays at my blog link mbilkisu.blogspot.com and am also on wattpad at billiy_writes... Thanks dearies for reading don't forget to share and comment😘

Monday 31 December 2018


It seemed just like yesterday when we started this journey of 365 days, Each one of us with different aspirations and wishes. Day after day it went by slowly, somedays we giggled and laughed with joy filled hearts and life appears to be at it best, other days life throws bitter pills at us and we cried and asked questions of were we went wrong. In the vicissitudes of life lies our strength without us noticing as we go around pursuing our goals. The start of another 365 days is an opportunity for us to reach and touch lives in our own little ways, the smallest of kindness might return in ways we never imagined. Don't let criticism break you rather let it strengthen you, let the rise of people around you be a source for motivation.. So lets walk into 2019 like warriors and soldiers that we are lets close doors to hate and negativity and lets shine bright like the rare diamonds that we are.💪💪💪💪💪💪🌺🌸🌺

Friday 28 December 2018

Billiy_writes Novel


By Bilkisu musa🌺
Episode one 

She twisted and turned, she stood up,opened the closet and retrieved another duvet and added to the one she was already using but the cold was still there.
 The weight of the day came strong on her as she recalled all that has happened; The day has started just fine and had seemed promising until a knock came from the door, she was busy preparing breakfast for Adil when he had called out, 
"Hajiya!, princess!, someone is at the door am trying to summit the article help check who's it".
    She let out a sigh and dropped the serving spoon she held and headed for the door. "I wonder which august visitor
  I have in September". She needed not to have worried her brain guessing because the face that stared back at hers was that of cousin Hanan . "Is Adi in?" Cousin Hanan demanded, as she stood with her hands on her hip staring deep into Ama's eyes, she straightened her posture and met her gaze evenly 
She didn't answer her question neither did she adjust her body to grant her access into the building.
 "Princess!, who is that?" Adil called out from the bedroom but before she could say anything cousin Hanan had already announced her presence "Its me Adi", She walked pass Ama and made herself comfortable on the couch; Ama wanted to scream and ask her to leave, she had disliked cousin hanan right from the first day they had met at Adil's uncle's house, It was her first time meeting his family and everyone had been friendly except her. when he had first called her name with the cousin tag she had wondered why.
But afterwards she had found out that the so called cousin hannan wasn't what she was being referred to as, rather she was a very distant relation who doesn't have a single English name tag but then Adi like she calls him likes referring to her as cousin.
And the way she had been all over the place during their wedding made Ama even more unlikable towards her, she had even had her stay in the same room with her and told her tales of how she was meant to marry Adi and how they had had their first kiss, Looking back she wished she shouted and tossed her bridal purse at her face to shut her up, And now the temerity she has to show up without any warning, She looked down at her, Everything about her was loud from the red velvet dress to the color of her lipstick which matches the dress. She recalled the way Adil had confirmed the kiss and afterwards added "But all that happened when we were so young and naive", My heart beats for you now" In an attempt to console her, now nauseates her. Ama's gaze shifted to Adil as he walked into the living room "Ask her to leave", she wanted to say but her voice came first, "I came to see how you are faring its been a while since the wedding, well it seems your wife have made her mark on you "haba", Adi today is exactly 4months since the last time we met you couldn't even call". It wasn't what she had said that disturbed Ama, It was the way she said it in a tone that suggested over familiarity.
The bewilderment Ama had been feeling gave way to intense anger and she wasn't sure how strong it was until he replied with a smile and said     
  "cousin Hanan you know you can't be forgotten I just needed time with my wife I was going to come visit you one of these days". So she stayed and made herself comfortable like she owned the house, Ama counted and waited for the hours to go quickly so she could leave but that didn't happen and when she came to serve him his dinner he was busy laughing and giggling, saying stuffs she knew he didn't fully understand. "Alhaji your meal is on the dining table", she announced with a smile that seemed to affect only the corner of her lips. She turned to look at cousin hanan "You should be on your way already it's getting pretty late", she reminded.
"ohh I didn't tell you am spending the night here, you sure won't mind lending me something to change into", she asked, In a tone that couldn't have belonged to anyone else. she wanted to tell her she minded in fact there was a thin line stopping her from grabbing her by the tongue and shoving her out of her house and her life, but she wouldn't dare, super Adil won't let her and he had said as much to her when she insisted on her leaving,
it has resulted to an ugly fight. Backs were turned and doors were closed.......
 Follow the link for more updates every Friday mbilkisu.blogspot.com and please share and comment

Wednesday 26 December 2018

Depression is real😬

 Hello readers 
  This isn't just one of those write ups which you will read and pass, because you might be slowly losing a loved one right under your nose....
Don't, I repeat don't always make things about you, I do understand that sometimes it's not our fault that our lives are more interesting than others around us but still try as much as possible to let your topic rest bring up theirs, ask about the smallest things going on in their lives even if it seems inconsequential to you but it helps a great deal. Some of our friends/families are living with depression,  crying their self to sleep while u lay beside them without even noticing and fill them with your life's achievement and they will be happy and join you in your merry but that's all in your mind because they are dying slowly in their own lifes, Some might say that it isn't their fault because the patients (yes patients, they need help) won't open up to them, well the question here's have you made urself available? Do u create a little time out of your world to peep in theirs? Depression is not written on anyone's forehead so care for the people around you ask them what they are up to, ask about that crazy partner you think they are seeing, ask about school or home, see ask about everything and if you can say something like 'This life isn't a bed of roses but surely there will be light at the end of the tunnel because every big star u see today has gone through something ' you don't necessarily have to make it direct just say it like a pick up line and just let it sink because you wouldn't want a suicide note waking you up one day and you start thinking what has gone wrong, He or she was just perfect the last time you met or u won't have in a thousand years guess that, that person would end his or her life... 
   So wake up  DEPRESSED people are around you CARE more.


Tuesday 25 December 2018

Body care means health(3)🌸🌹

Wannan make your own face mask therapy paste which will work as effective as anyone you can buy elsewhere?? If yes get 
  Charcoal, Egg white and honey =Make charcoal powdering and soft add up right amount of honey until uniform and sticky break egg and add only the egg white stir until well incorporated apply on face and leave for 30 minutes rinse and dry do this preferably twice every week...

P.s know the right charcoal to use u wouldn't want to use the one you get after cooking because it isn't effective so go to the market and buy its very very affordable or if you have activated charcoal u can use that😎

Monday 24 December 2018

Body care means health (2)

(2) Homemade remedy for dry and cracking feet// Get shea butter and massage on your feet after washing with warm water then put on your socks do this preferably daily before going to bed...

P.s some people might dislike the smell of shea butter so I recommend mixing it up with a scented petroleum jelly.